Members of the Bereavement Ministry aid families in the grieving process by assisting at Funeral Masses and by praying for our deceased loved ones and their families. The volunteers check in with families in the weeks following the loss to offer support and information about parish programs which may be of interest. Additionally, Journeying Through Grief booklets are mailed home to families to help them reflect on and heal from their loss.
Each year on All Souls’ Day, Bereavement Ministry volunteers help facilitate a special Mass to recognize those whose funeral liturgies were celebrated in Saint Luke the Evangelist Parish during the previous year. Two All Souls’ Day Masses are scheduled—one at Good Samaritan Church and one at Saints John & Paul Church.
The Bereavement Ministry also sponsors an annual Memorial Tree Lighting ceremony at Good Samaritan Church during Advent. All parishioners of Saint Luke the Evangelist Parish are encouraged to bring an ornament in memory of their deceased loved one to place on the Memorial Tree.